Meaningful Phonics and Spelling Instruction (K–1)

How does the graphophonic cueing system support meaning-making? In this session, we will think about what it means to teach phonics and spelling in thoughtful and intentional ways. Come learn how to support our earliest learners to use what they know about letters, sounds, and words in service of meaning.

Phonics and spelling instruction is often taught in isolation, developing readers who may be aware of letters, sounds, and words but not be able to use them to get to the meaning. When meaning is the goal of all instruction, teachers understand that skills must be in service of meaning in order for readers to become strategic.

This session addresses the role of the graphophonic cueing system in service of meaning. Demonstrating the use of skills in context through Shared and Guided Reading supports students to use skills with the automaticity required to become a strong reader. (1.5 to 3 hours)

Materials that may be emphasized:
Flying Start to Literacy™, Lift Off to Literacy™

3 Full-Day Sessions
1.5-3-Hour Session Descriptions
Instructional Strategies
Read Aloud / Shared Reading
Guided Reading
Reading Instruction
Writing Instruction
Purposeful Talk
Classroom Management