The Power of Interactive Writing (K–1)

Supporting our youngest learners to develop their writing abilities is encouraged through multiple, supportive opportunities to use skills and strategies in context. This session will focus on the teaching opportunities within interactive writing as teachers and students craft a text together, from generating ideas and constructing print to convey the message through reading and re-reading the text to ensure the meaning is conveyed.

Interactive writing, where the teacher shares the pen with the students, is a powerful instructional strategy that may be used with all students or with select students. It offers students an experience that slows down the process of composing, constructing, and reading of a message. Highlighting particular aspects of the construction of the message offers students the experience of using skills in context to compose the message being created.

As students reread their message, they establish a habit of rereading for meaning. Interactive writing can be used effectively as a “Returning to the text” option after guided reading lessons or shared reading lessons. Using the Okapi text to launch ideas and language for a message, teachers can integrate high-frequency words, spotlight particular phonics elements, and encourage language use in a purposeful learning experience.

Materials that may be emphasized:
Flying Start to Literacy™, Explorations®, Lift Off to Literacy™

3 Full-Day Sessions
1.5-3-Hour Session Descriptions
Instructional Strategies
Read Aloud / Shared Reading
Guided Reading
Reading Instruction
Writing Instruction
Purposeful Talk
Classroom Management